- Huis
- Rotor-energieopslagtechnologie
Het vliegwiel werkt door een rotor te versnellen tot zeer hoge rotatiesnelheden. Deze kunnen variëren van 20.000 tot 50.000 toeren per minuut. De rotatie-energie wordt omgezet in andere vormen van energie en wanneer energie wordt onttrokken verliest het vliegwiel snelheid als gevolg van energie afgifte.
How can rotor structure improve energy storage density?
The rotor structure with smaller mass compared with the structure with equal thickness can be obtained by variable thickness design of the rotor with fixed moment of inertia and radius, thus improving the energy storage density of the system.
What is the kinetic energy of a rotor?
The kinetic energy of a rotor, as a rotating body, is defined as: where is the total kinetic energy of the rotor, is the total moment of inertia for the rotor, ω is the angular velocity in units rad/s, and N is the number of rims such that n = 1, 2, … N.
What is the relationship between rotor geometry and energy density?
For these rotors, the relationship between material properties, geometry and energy density can be expressed by using a weighed-average approach. One of the primary limits to flywheel design is the tensile strength of the rotor. Generally speaking, the stronger the disc, the faster it may be spun, and the more energy the system can store.
What is a flywheel rotor?
Flywheel rotors are a key component, determining not only the energy content of the entire flywheel energy storage system (FESS), but also system costs, housing design, bearing system, etc. Using simple analytic formulas, the basics of FESS rotor design and material selection are presented.
What affects the energy storage density of a flywheel rotor?
The energy storage density is affected by the specific strength of the flywheel rotor (the ratio of material strength to density σ / ρ). The allowable stress and density are both related to the material used in the flywheel.
What are energy storage Flywheel rotors made of?
(Picture right: Luke A. Bisby) Table 7.5 gives an overview of energy storage flywheel rotors made of steel. It should be noted that almost all historical concepts used a solid, isotropic rotor, and the achieved specific energies are significantly lower than those of composite rotors. Some examples are shown in Figs. 7.16 and 7.17.